The Post Funeral Meals committee provides a luncheon in the Church Lower Level for any family that has a funeral from Assumption Parish. There is no charge to the family; donations to the parish are appreciated. This committee is an active group with five teams and over 300 volunteers. The team leaders meet once a year, in late fall, to review the returns from the Time and Talent surveys and organize teams for the upcoming year.
Team Captain - Funeral luncheons are assigned to one of several teams, each with a Team Captain. When a funeral is assigned to a team, the Captain notifies Callers/Texters of the dishes needed, schedules Servers for the luncheon, and guides the team in setup, serving, and cleanup on the day of the luncheon.
Server - Serves on the day of the funeral luncheon, accepting dishes from Food Providers, setting up for the luncheon, preparing drinks, and assisting with cleanup.
Caller/Texter - Callers/Texters are provided with a list of volunteers who have offered to provide dishes for funeral luncheons. Callers/Texters contact those volunteers and arrange for the dishes needed for the luncheon.
Food Provider - Food Providers agree to prepare (or buy) a dish that will serve 10-12 people at the luncheon. Here's your chance to prepare and share your specialty dish! For planning purposes, we ask that you provide the same dish for every funeral luncheon. Dishes needed include:
-dessert - cakes, pies, brownies, cupcakes, cookies, etc.
-vegetable/casserole/side - potato or green bean casserole, baked beans, pasta, etc.
-salad ingredients - lettuce, dressing, croutons, shredded cheese, etc.
When and where do i drop off my dish? -- Between 6:30-9:30 a.m. on the morning of the luncheon in the church basement kitchen.
What if I'm out of town and can't provide food the day requested? -- Not a problem! We will call again the next time.
This is a wonderful way to serve others.
Thank you for considering this beautiful mission!