Physical Education and 8th grade history; school administration
Educational Experience:
Before coming to Assumption, I previously taught Autistic students for the special school district.
Educational Background:
I received a Masters in Educational Administration from Missouri Baptist University in August 2017 and I graduated from Southeast Missouri State University in 2014 with a degree in Physical Education.
Some of my favorite things are: the novel "The Shack" written by William P. Young, Mexican food, teaching P.E., and the Green Bay Packers! The teacher who most inspired me was my junior English teacher, Ms. Mueller. She was the type of teacher that really took interest in whatever activity or sport in which a student was involved. Ms. Mueller also made sure students stayed on top of school work because that was most important. She was almost like a mother, one would say.
I've known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was in high school. I had a few role models from awesome teachers, and I decided to follow in their footsteps. I realized at a young age teachers touch students’ lives. I want to be a positive role model for students. I want to be a teacher to not only teach the content, but also connect with students, instilling a lifelong love of learning, and guide their emotional growth. I hope to get to know each and every one of your sons/daughters.
Playing lots of Golf, hunting, traveling with friends, and attending Cardinals and Blues games.