I am the only son of Richard and Evelyn Keller. I grew up in Oakville and my home parish was St. Francis of Assisi where I also attended grade school. Dad worked for Prairie Farms as a driver and mom was an accountant at Bussen Quarry. My subdivision was filled with kids my age and there was always something fun to do. As a child, I loved serving Holy Mass at the Poor Clare Monestary on Telegraph Road, riding my bicycle, and swimming. I am still good friends with some of the neighborhood kids.
I began thinking about the priesthood when I was in 3rd grade when Sr. Michelle O.S.F. said to my class “you are never too young to start thinking about becoming a priest.” Franciscan priests like Fr. Lambert O.F.M. and Fr. Columban O.F.M. were a great example and inspiration for me.
I entered St. Louis Prepatory Seminary South after grade school. I excelled in theology, but not so much in math. My senior year Prep North and Prep South merged and I graduated with the only other classmate to be ordained, Fr. Brad Modde. I spent my summers working at Prep South until I got a job at Streckfus Steamers/Gateway Riverboat Cruises. I had the privilege to work daily with
Capt. Bill Carroll, fomer Master of the old S.S. Admiral.This cultivated my lifelong love for the Mississippi River and St. Louis history.
After graduation from Prep, I moved into Cardinal Glennon College Seminary. The college seminarians attended St. Louis University and I graduated with a bachelor’s in Philosophy. When I was in college, I got involved in the Pro-Life movement. I began attending the Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. and I spent a summer as a ProLife lobbyist in D.C. for National Right to Life. During college, I started taking about a dozen teens from L.I.F.T. (Life Information For Teens) to the Annual March for Life and later that tradition evolved into the massive Generation Life caravan of teens from the Archdiocese of St. Louis. I’ve made life long friends through the Pro-Life movement and the son of one of those friends, Duncan Tiemeyer (my Godson), is studying for the priesthood today!
My post-graduate studies took place at Kenrick Seminary. During that time, I served as student Master of Ceremonies at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis with Monsignor Henry Breier. I spent a year internship at Sacred Heart in Valley Park under the pastor, Fr. Robert Rosebourgh (Fr. Rosy) and also served at St. Joan of Arc Parish as a deacon with Monsignor Larry Walsh. I graduated from Kenrick Seminary with a Master Divinity and a Master of Arts in Sacramental Theology.
On June 24, 1997, I was ordained a priest by Justin Cardinal Rigali at the Cathedral Basilica and I celebrated “First Masses” at the Poor Clare Monastery and St. Francis of Assisi.
My first assignment was being the associate pastor of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish in South County. Monsignor Stehly was a good “first pastor.” At the time, I also was assigned to teach Sacramental Theology for the Paul VI Institute, which I have since continued to teach for the entire duration of my priesthood! While I was at St. Margaret Mary, I assisted with the planning and execution of Pope St. John Paul II’s pastoral visit to St. Louis in 1999. Meanwhile the parish was just about at its demographic peak. I taught religion in the grade school weekly, ran the youth group, took Holy Communion to shut-ins and celebrated a LOT of weddings. One of the great privileges of my time at SMMA was serving as Confirmation Sponsor for several of the students.
In 2001, I was assigned to the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, where I served as Archdiocesan Master of Ceremonies, associate pastor and Assistant Director of Worship for the Archdiocese of
St. Louis. I served under several pastors at the Cathedral Basilica, including Monsignor James Telthorst, Monsignor Vernon Gardin and Monsignor Joseph Pins. Fr. Nicholas Smith, who is the Master of Ceremonies today, lived across the hall from me. Sadly, my father passed away while I was at the Cathedral.
Also, while I was at the Cathedral Basilica, I was invested as a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and Cardinal Burke asked me to begin celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass. Canon Carl Lenhardt of the Institute of Christ the King was very gracious and helpful to me, as I learned to celebrate the sacraments in the ancient forms. Because of my faculties to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, I assisted in the formation of the Oratory of St. Gregory and Augustine with my good friend, Fr. Bede Price, who served as the first rector.
I also served as the Kenrick Seminary Director of Worship. While many professors have the task of teaching difficult classes like bioethics or Canon Law, I had the joy task of preparing the seminarians to administer the sacraments for the first time. It was also a privilege to help with the formation of men who would later serve alongside me as priests of the Archdiocese.
In 2008, I was assigned to be a pastor for the first time. I went to St. Angela Merici in Florissant. St. Angela is a great community made up of long-time parishioners, as well as parishioners from the former Transfiguration and St. Christopher communities. I served with great staff at St. Angela and
Fr. Eric Kunz was my associate pastor. While I was in Florissant, I was named to the Board of Directors for historic Old St. Ferdinand Shrine. Shortly before the end of my time at St. Angela, I became a
Knight of Columbus.
In 2014, I was assigned to be the pastor of Assumption-Mattese. Since Assumption is in South County, it feels like coming home! I have served with Fr. Richard Coerver, Fr. David Milosica, Fr. Ryan Weber and now with Fr.Raymond Buehler at Assumption. I most enjoy working with our staff, causing a commotion with the school kids and most of all, celebrating the sacraments.